A sound night’s sleep helps make decisions.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have claimed that a good night’s sleep enhances complex cognitive skills necessary for decision-making.  They backed up the notion by checking it on a group of 54 young people who were made to play a Gambling Task, which is a card game.    It assesses the frontal lobe function, where more emotional decisions originate.

It emerged that subjects who had a normal night’s sleep as part of the study drew fro decks that gave them the greatest winnings four times more often than those who spent the 12-hour break awake.

Those who took sufficient rest also better understood the underlying rules of the game.

Psychologists believe that rule discovery is an often hidden yet key factor that is crucial to making sound decisions.

The experiment also showed that the rested player cared about the wins and losses and more precisely, winning.

There is something to be gained fro taking a night to sleep on it when your’re facing an important decision.

The fact that you slept makes your decisions better.

The tea of researchers believed the sleep benefit in making decisions may be due to changes in underlying emotional or cognitive processes.

The guess is that this enhanced effect on decision-making is something that depends on rapid-eye-movement or REM sleep, which is the creative period of your sleep cycle.

To help get a great night’s sleep, look into the LiquiCell Sleep Pad.

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