Arch Pain in Foot
Walk on Water Insoles and LiquiCell Shoe inserts help in the relief of Arch pain in foot by equalizing perpendicular pressure. LiquiCell’s benefits surpass those offered by other comfort technologies, such as gels, foam or air, which breakdown over time or require maintenance. See how LiquiCell works by watching the LiquiCell Video.
Do you have pain in the arch of your foot? Before trying Arch Supports, use our Walk on Water Insoles and you will be surprised. By equalizing the perpendicular pressure at the point of contact where your foot comes in contact with the ground, our insoles and inserts reduce shear stress and friction. Your feet get relaxed, thereby relaxing your whole body. This has profound effect on your posture and you begin to get back to the way you normally used to walk. Orthotics are a double edge sword. Most of the time they either over or under compensate. Also, some users who have issues with one foot, also wear the pair on both the feet, causing further challenges.
There are number of possible causes for arch pain, most common are structural imbalances of the foot, but in combination with other factors according to, arch pain may develop. These factors are usually associated with overuse- activities like running, walking on hard surfaces all day and wearing not proper or supportive footwear. Read more about arch pain at:
Walk on Water Insoles reduce the vertical pressure, thereby equalizing it. At first we recommend you try our insoles without any kind of arch support for a couple of days and let you body get used to the natural feeling. And if you still feel the need of using the arch support, then you can put our insoles on top of your arch support or orthotics.
Walk on Water Insoles help reduce feet, knees, hips and back problems. Liquicell acts to dissipate forces and lubricate at point of contact.
LiquiCell Insoles by Walk on Water Insoles vs. foam, gel and air: LiquiCell’s benefits greatly surpass those offered by other comfort technologies, such as gels, foams or air, which break down over time or require maintenance. More importantly, medical and scientific evidence proves that while gels, foams and air do provide some relief of discomfort through perpendicular pressure reduction, they do not protect against the harmful effects of friction and shear stress.
Get rid of aching, tired and sore feet. LiquiCell provides enhanced comfort where others leave off. Next time you are planning on standing or walking for an extended period, use our Walk on Water Insoles and Inserts with LiquiCell.
Walk on Water Insoles & LiquiCell Shoe Inserts provide heel relief by cushioning your ball of your feet and heel. Ultra thin liquid filled membranes are strategically placed in the metatarsal and heel part of our insoles. This equalizes the perpendicular pressure without compromising the fit or the stability of the shoe thereby providing relief from heel pain. It is also a good idea to shop for shoes that have proper foot bed that supports the shock factor especially in sports shoes and dress shoes. Our Walk on Water Insoles and Inserts compliment any type of shoes as they are thin. Thinness is a feature of LiquiCell. It works because it is thin!
Using an innovative combination of a low viscosity fluid and strategically placed seal points that control the flow of liquid, LiquiCell reduces foot discomfort, friction and fatigue. By equalizing perpendicular pressure at the point of contact (thus reducing pressure), soft tissue compression is greatly reduced thereby significantly reducing skin friction and soft tissue shear stress.
Medical and scientific evidence proves that while gels, foams and air do provide some relief of discomfort through perpendicular pressure reduction, they do not protect against the harmful effects of friction and shear stress, two of the most influential factors related to foot discomfort.
Now you can go about doing your normal activities and see that foot pain, arch pain, heel pain, knee pain, shin pain reduce and disappear. Kyle, who owns a Market inNewport Beach, was amazed. After being on his feet at the store for 16 years, he called us and said that for the first time his feet did not hurt at night when he went to bed.
In addition to our Insoles, try our LiquiCell Inserts for Sandal, Flip Flops, Women’s and Men’s dress shoes, open heels. Our Inserts are very lightweight and thin. Just peel off the paper backing and stick them on your sandals or high heels at the ball of your feet and heels. Simple instructions are included with the Inserts. You will like them so much that you’ll want a pair for all your shoes!
LiquiCell Insoles & Shoe Inserts – So Thin and yet so effective – Reduces shear friction and fatigue, Equalizes pressure, Benefits surpass gel or foam, Improves blood flow by 150%, Thin, liquid filled membrane mimics the body protective mechanism, the bursa sac.
When it comes to relieving foot pain, not all insoles or orthotics are the same. Our insoles and insoles are designed not to take too much room. Other gel or foam products take too much room and you end up not wearing them. Watch our LiquiCell Video to see how LiquiCell works.
Everyone can benefit with the Walk on Water Insoles, whether you are standing on your feet all day or walking, dancing running. Great for restaurant workers, nurses, flight attendants and cashiers or retail personnel. Always buy shoes that are a proper fit for you.
Shoe Buying Tips: Tight and ill fitting shoes are the cause of many foot problems. Always make sure you can play piano with your toes. If the shoe looks too small then it is. Trace your foot on a piece of paper and then place the shoe you are going to buy on the image you traced. If the shoe is narrower in the front than your image, then choose a shoe that is wide enough.
LiquiCell is an ultra-thin liquid filled technology, designed and proven to reduce discomfort and fatigue you experience over time in footwear.
If you have arch pain that won’t go away, then it is always a good idea to visit the foot doctor and make sure you don’t fracture of some kind. Usually there may already be soft tissue damage. Get proper supporting footwear. Activity levels and the type of activities should be considered and modified per the need and pain level.
Tired feet mean tired body! Don’t ignore your pain. Get relief with our Walk on Water Insoles and Shoe Inserts.
Order our Walk on Water Insoles today!
Read what other customers are saying:
“The insoles are fantastic. I don’t feel tired any more. My wife, a nurse loves them too. She doesn’t leave home without them!”
— Sam, Newport Beach, CA
“I love the insoles! Not only can I walk longer, but they prevent foot cramps when I am driving. The LiquiCell in the insoles is at just the right places at the ball and heel of my foot. It makes a tremendous difference!”
— Jon, Tustin, CA
“I’ve been a runner for most of my life, but just started running longer distance races in the last few years, including my first marathon last year. I’m currently training for my second marathon and have started using the LiquiCell insoles in my running shoes. I’m very pleased with their performance! By replacing my insoles with the LiquiCell insoles, I’ve gotten more comfort without compromising cushioning and shock absorption. In fact, I ran a half marathon last weekend and didn’t experience any issues with shin splints as I had in the past.”
— Melanie, Bloomington, MN
“I’m on my feet all day long and over the years I’ve tried different insoles and orthotics, but your insoles with LiquiCell are simply the best. So thin yet so effective. I also use your LiquiCell inserts for some of my tighter dress shoes. Thanks for making such an innovative product.”
— Gary, Los Angeles, CA
Walk on Water Insoles indeed make a difference in Foot Pain management. Order today!