What is the Best Wheelchair Cushion to Prevent Pressure Sores?
When you sit in the same place and in the same position for long hours, you are likely to hurt your back more than usual and most wheelchair users can relate to this fact. Pressure sores, pressure ulcers, or tingling in the legs are found to be common health problems faced by wheelchair users. In fact, their arms and shoulders might start paining as they try to maneuver the wheelchair for the entire day.
If you or your loved one has recently started using a wheelchair, then you must remain aware of the health issues arising from back pain and pressure sores that are often encountered by wheelchair users in the absence of proper cushioning. To mitigate such health problems, it is necessary that you give a thought about purchasing the best wheelchair seat cushion.
Wheelchair Cushion Review
Just like a typical wheelchair cushion, Ergo21 LiquiCell wheelchair seat cushions are designed with the goal of adhering to the user’s positioning needs and offering postural support and pressure care while promoting functional mobility from the wheelchair. However, there are some advanced features that set the Ergo21 cushions apart from the other wheelchair cushions available in the market.
What is a Pressure Sore?
Before finding out more about the Ergo21 wheelchair cushions, you must know what a pressure sore is. Pressure sores – also known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers are caused due to localized damage to an area of the skin, occurring as the outcome of putting constant pressure on that area for a prolonged period. Long-term sitting on wheelchairs or beds may create pressure sores in combination with skin friction due to excessive stress on the sit bones, thus resulting in restriction of blood flow in the affected area. They usually affect bony areas including the lower back, tailbone, hips, knees, or back of shoulders.
The initial symptoms of pressure sores, as identified by medical researchers and doctors, include discoloration of the affected skin area, a feeling of warmth, sponginess, or hardness on the patch of skin, and itchiness or pain in the affected area. If not treated properly, the pressure sores may become worse with time and form blisters or deep wounds affecting the deeper layers of skin, muscles, and bones. To avoid pressure sores from occurring at the very initial stage, it is necessary that you indulge in a proper cushioning system while sitting in the wheelchair.
Why Should You Invest in Ergo21 Wheelchair Cushions for Pressure Sores?
Ergo21 is specialized in designing and manufacturing wheelchair cushions that are versatile and comfortable enough to meet the unique needs of different users. The major factor that distinguishes the Ergo21 wheelchair cushions from typical air, foam, or gel-based cushions is the revolutionary LiquiCell technology that helps in creating therapeutic seating.
LiquiCell is a medical technology that involves the infusion of liquid-filled membranes in the cushions that are strategically placed under the tailbone and the thighs to help in the stimulation of blood flow in the sit bones. The constant motion of the liquid-filled membranes not only improves the blood flow but also helps in a balanced distribution of weight to reduce vertical pressure on the back. This further ensures that the underlying skin tissues of the back do not undergo stress and friction, thus relieving users from pressure ulcers.
In addition to the use of this breakthrough technology, the brand has made use of top-quality polyurethane foam while following the typical anatomy of an ergonomic wheelchair cushion. The foam is highly resilient and can withstand wear and tear from everyday use. The stretchable micro fabric used in the making of these cushions further enhances their longevity and performance. The conventional air-filled roho wheelchair cushions have a high tendency to leak and require high maintenance. However, unlike the roho cushions for pressure sores, the Ergo21 cushions do not come with the risk of leakage and thus, do not require high maintenance.
Lightweight and flexible, the Ergo21 support cushions provide you with the correct posture to relieve some of the pain and risk of compression fractures or injuries that come with back aches. The versatile construction of the cushions makes them ideal for use in wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and even cars. They are available in different sizes and must be purchased based on the user’s requirements. To discover more about the efficiency of Ergo21 cushions and explore why they are the best wheelchair cushions for pressure sores in the market, visit Ergo21.